Force Main Repair on Neelys Bend Road
Approximate extents of the replacement force main
Metro Water Services has recently contracted with Jarrett Builders, Inc. to replace portions of the 16-inch wastewater force main located along Neelys Bend Road and Howse Avenue. This work is scheduled to begin in September and conclude in December, depending upon weather conditions.
Although this work is anticipated to address the portions of the force main that experienced recent failures, Metro Water Services is also proceeding with additional inspection of the remaining force main to evaluate its condition and identify other locations that may require repair. That second phase of work is anticipated to begin in 2021.
During the upcoming construction work, Metro Water Services and the contractor will take every effort to minimize disruptions to the surrounding neighborhood, although some inconveniences such as traffic disruptions or noise may be unavoidable. If you have any questions regarding the construction activities, don’t hesitate to contact us at 615-862-4600 or here.